Saturday, March 21, 2009

Random Shananigans

Our weekend has been off to a crazy start. Jonathan came down with a fever last night. He got real fussy right around dinnertime, and we couldn't quite figure out why. Every little thing seemed to be freaking him out. The poor little guy even put himself to bed last night. He woke up around 11:00 PM and I checked his temperature. Sure enough, he had a fever. He's still been running a bit of one today, but he seems to be doing a little better. He's not really having any other symptoms, though last night he said his tummy was hurting a little.

We may have to change the theme of his birthday party now, though. When I mentioned earlier that every thing seemed to freak Jonathan out--the Cars movie, which he watched 7 times over the course of the past week, now seems to creep him out a little. It's not just that, though. Even his morning cartoons have been spooking him! He's still asking to watch the movie, but I've made him stick to VeggieTales today. (Nothing too terribly scary in most of the ones we have.) I'll give him a couple of days before I decide whether or not to change our plan of having a Cars birthday party.

Jacob has six teeth now! (Four on top, two on bottom.) He's also sitting up by himself. I can't believe how fast he and Jonathan are growing!!! We've started to let Jacob have little samples of table food here and there, since he has so many teeth now. He still tries to inhale pretty much anything that goes into his mouth, so I'm taking it a little slow with him. He's not real wild about mashed potatoes, but he loves banana pudding! Maybe in another month or two he'll have a couple more teeth--maybe some more on the bottom this time.

And the highlight of the weekend--we caught a mouse last night! (In a trap, of course.) When I was younger my family lived in a small town that out in the middle of nowhere. We had a mouse or two come through our house, but that was to be expected because of where we were. I sure didn't expect to have mouse trouble living in the city. Not long after Jonathan was born, we caught three mice (two alive, one dead) within a couple of weeks! Then we found a dead one in the trap behind our fridge when I was pregnant with Jacob. Then we caught this one last night. Looks like we're going to have to keep the traps out a while. After all, there's a field not too far from our house...

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